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  1. S. Sasikumar, J.M. Carceller, W. Deconinck, M. Fila, B. Francois, F.D. Gaede, G. Ganis, X. Huang, S. Joosten, S.H. Ko, W. Li, T. Li, T. Lin, T. Madlener, L. Reichenbach, A. Sailer, A. Tolosa-Delgado, X. Zhang and J. Zou
    Five years of Key4hep - Towards production readiness and beyond
    PoS ICHEP2024, 1029 (2025)
  2. K. C. Z. Haverson, R. Smith, A. Shenfield, R. Fortulan, M. Ćwiok, W. Dominik, A. Fijałkowska, M. Fila, Z. Janas, A. Kalinowski, K. Kierzkowski, M. Kuich, C. Mazzocchi, W. Okliński, M. Zaremba, M. Gai, D. K. Schweitzer, S. R. Stern, S. Finch, U. Friman-Gayer, S. R. Johnson, T. M. Kowalewski, D. L. Balabanski, C. Matei, A. Rotaru, R. A. M. Allen, M. R. Griffiths, Tz. Kokalova, S. Pirrie, P. Santa Rita Alcibia, C. Wheldon
    A ResNeXt50-based convolution neural network for nuclear reaction classification in an active target TPC detector
    Il Nuovo Cimento 48 (1), 17 (2025)
  3. J Benito, LM Fraile, A Korgul, M Piersa-Siłkowska, A Jaries, M Stryjczyk, E Adamska, R Álvarez-Rodríguez, AN Andreyev, AE Barzakh, G Benzoni, T Berry, MJG Borge, M Carmona, K Chrysalidis, C Costache, JG Cubiss, T Day Goodacre, H De Witte, T Eronen, DV Fedorov, VN Fedosseev, G Fernández-Martínez, A Fijałkowska, M Fila, H Fynbo, D Galaviz, P Galve, M García-Díez, Z Ge, PT Greenlees, R Grzywacz, C Henrich, M Huyse, P Ibáñez, A Illana, Z Janas, J Jolie, DS Judson, A Kankainen, V Karayonchev, M Kicińska-Habior, J Konki, J Kurcewicz, I Lazarus, R Lică, A López-Montes, M Lund, H Mach, M Madurga, N Mărginean, R Mărginean, I Marroquín, BA Marsh, MC Martínez, C Mazzocchi, K Miernik, C Mihai, RE Mihai, M Mougeot, JR Murias, E Nácher, A Negret, B Olaizola, RD Page, SV Paulauskas, S Pascu, A Perea, V Pucknell, A Raggio, P Rahkila, C Raison, E Rapisarda, J-M Régis, K Rezynkina, F Rotaru, S Rothe, J Ruotsalainen, D Sánchez-Parcerisa, V Sánchez-Tembleque, K Schomacker, GS Simpson, Ch Sotty, L Stan, M Stănoiu, O Tengblad, A Turturica, JM Udías, P Van Duppen, V Vedia, A Villa-Abaunza, S Viñals, R Wadsworth, WB Walters, N Warr, IDS and IGISOL Collaboration
    Detailed structure of 131 Sn populated in the decay of isomerically purified 131 In states
    Physical Review C 110, 014328 (2024)
  4. M. Ćwiok, D. Wojciech, A. Fijałkowska, M. Fila, Z. Janas, A. Kalinowski, K. Kierzkowski, M. Kuich, C. Mazzocchi, W. Okliński, P. Podlaski, M. Zaremba, M. Gai, S. R. Stern, D. K. Schweitzer and D. L. Balabanski.
    Warsaw Active-Target TPC: A new detector for photonuclear reactions studies at astrophysical energies
    EPJ Web of Conferences 290, 01004 (2023)
  5. M. Kuich, M. Ćwiok, W. Dominik, A. Fijałkowska, M. Fila, A. Giska, Z. Janas, A. Kalinowski, K. Kierzkowski, C. Mazzocchi, W. Okliński, M. Zaremba, D. Grządziel, J. Lekki, W. Królas, A. Kulińska, A. Kurowski, W. Janik, T. Pieprzyca, Z. Szklarz, M. Scholz, M. Turzański, U. Wiącek, U. Woźnicka, A. Caciolli, M. Campostrini, V. Rigato, M. Gai, H.O.U. Fynbo
    Active Target TPC for Study of Photonuclear Reactions at Astrophysical Energies
    Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. 16, 4-A17 (2023)
  6. M. Ćwiok, W. Dominik, A. Fijałkowska, M. Fila, Z. Janas, A. Kalinowski, K. Kierzkowski, M. Kuich, C. Mazzocchi, W. Okliński, M. Zaremba, M. Gai, D. K. Schweitzer, S. R. Stern, S. Finch, U. Friman-Gayer, S. R. Johnson, T. M. Kowalewski, D. L. Balabanski, C.Matei, A. Rotaru, K. C.Z. Haverson, Robin Smith, R. A.M. Allen, M. R. Griffiths, S. Pirrie and P. S. R. Alcibia
    Studies of photo-nuclear reactions at astrophysical energies with an active-target TPC
    EPJ Web of Conferences 279, 04002 (2023)
  7. J. Benito, L. M. Fraile, A. Korgul, M. Piersa, E. Adamska, A. N. Andreyev, R. Álvarez-Rodríguez, A. E. Barzakh, G. Benzoni, T. Berry, M. J. G. Borge, M. Carmona, K. Chrysalidis, C. Costache, J. G. Cubiss, T. Day Goodacre, H. De Witte, D. V. Fedorov, V. N. Fedosseev, G. Fernández-Martínez, A. Fijałkowska, M. Fila, H. Fynbo, D. Galaviz, P. Galve, M. García-Díez, P. T. Greenlees, R. Grzywacz, L. J. Harkness-Brennan, C. Henrich, M. Huyse, P. Ibáñez, A. Illana, Z. Janas, J. Jolie, D. S. Judson, V. Karayonchev, M. Kicińska-Habior, J. Konki, J. Kurcewicz, I. Lazarus, R. Lică, A. López-Montes, M. Lund, H. Mach, M. Madurga, I. Marroquín, B. Marsh, M. C. Martínez, C. Mazzocchi, N. Mărginean, R. Mărginean, K. Miernik, C. Mihai, R. E. Mihai, E. Nácher, A. Negret, B. Olaizola, R. D. Page, S. V. Paulauskas, S. Pascu, A. Perea, V. Pucknell, P. Rahkila, C. Raison, E. Rapisarda, J.-M. Régis, K. Rezynkina, F. Rotaru, S. Rothe, D. Sánchez-Parcerisa, V. Sánchez-Tembleque, K. Schomacker, G. S. Simpson, Ch. Sotty, L. Stan, M. Stănoiu, M. Stryjczyk, O. Tengblad, A. Turturica, J. M. Udías, P. Van Duppen, V. Vedia, A. Villa-Abaunza, S. Viñals, W. B. Walters, R. Wadsworth, N. Warr
    Detailed spectroscopy of doubly magic 132 Sn
    Phys. Rev. C 102, 014328 (2020)
  8. A. Tucholski, Ch. Droste, J. Srebrny, C. M. Petrache, J. Skalski, P. Jachimowicz, M. Fila, T. Abraham, M. Kisieliński, A. Kordyasz, M. Kowalczyk, J. Kownacki, T. Marchlewski, P. J. Napiorkowski, L. Próchniak, J. Samorajczyk-Pyśk, A. Stolarz, A. Astier, B. F. Lv, E. Dupont, S. Lalkovski, P. Walker, E. Grodner, Z. Patyk
    Lifetime of the recently identified 10 + isomeric state at 3279 keV in the Nd 136 nucleus
    Phys. Rev. C 100, 014330 (2019)
  9. M. Piersa, A. Korgul, L. M. Fraile, J. Benito, E. Adamska, A. N. Andreyev, R. Álvarez-Rodríguez, A. E. Barzakh, G. Benzoni, T. Berry, M. J. G. Borge, M. Carmona, K. Chrysalidis, J. G. Correia, C. Costache, J. G. Cubiss, T. Day Goodacre, H. De Witte, D. V. Fedorov, V. N. Fedosseev, G. Fernández-Martínez, A. Fijałkowska, M. Fila, H. Fynbo, D. Galaviz, P. T. Greenlees, R. Grzywacz, L. J. Harkness-Brennan, C. Henrich, M. Huyse, A. Illana, Z. Janas, K. Johnston, D. S. Judson, V. Karanyonchev, M. Kicińska-Habior, J. Konki, J. Kurcewicz, I. Lazarus, R. Lica, H. Mach, M. Madurga, I. Marroquín, B. Marsh, M. C. Martínez, C. Mazzocchi, N. Marginean, R. Marginean, K. Miernik, C. Mihai, E. Nácher, A. Negret, B. Olaizola, R. D. Page, S. Paulaskalas, S. Pascu, A. Perea, V. Pucknell, P. Rahkila, E. Rapisarda, J.-M. Régis, F. Rotaru, S. Rothe, V. Sánchez-Tembleque, G. Simpson, Ch. Sotty, L. Stan, M. Stanoiu, M. Stryjczyk, O. Tengblad, A. Turturica, J. M. Udías, P. Van Duppen, V. Vedia, A. Villa, S. Viñals, R. Wadsworth, W. B. Walters, N. Warr
    β decay of 133 In: γ emission from neutron-unbound states in 133 Sn
    Phys. Rev. C 99, 024304 (2019)
  10. M. Piersa, A. Korgul, L. M. Fraile, J. Benito, E. Adamska, R. Álvarez, A. E. Barzakh, G. Benzoni, T. Berry, M. J. G. Borge, M. Carmona, K. Chrysalidis, G. Correia, C. Costache, T. Day Goodacre, D. V. Fedorov, V. N. Fedosseev, G. Fernández-Martínez, M. Fila, D. Galaviz, R. Grzywacz, C. Henrich, A. Illana, Z. Janas, K. Johnston, V. Karanyonchev, M. Kicińska-Habior, R. Lica, M. Madurga, I. Marroquín, B. Marsh, C. Martínez, C. Mazzocchi, K. Miernik, C. Mihai, B. Olaizola, S. Paulaskalas, J.-M. Régis, S. Rothe, V. Sánchez-Tembleque, G. Simpson, Ch. Sotty, L. Stan, M. Stanoiu, M. Stryjczyk, A. Turturica, J. M. Udías, V. Vedia, A. Villa, W. B. Walters
    Investigation of Low-lying States in 133 Sn Populated in the beta Decay of 133 In Using Isomer-selective Laser Ionization
    Acta Phys. Pol. B 49, 523-528 (2019)
  11. J.Srebrny, L. Próchniak, M. Fila
    Question of gamma-softness of a Core and Possible Wobbling in the Light of Rich Experimental Data on 119 I
    Acta Phys. Pol. B Proceedings Supplement 11, 157-166 (2018)


  1. R&D towards heterogenous frameworks for Future Experiments
    CHEP 2024 Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland, 19.10 - 25.10.2024
  2. Demonstrator for HEP event-processing framework in Julia
    JuliaHEP 2024 Workshop, CERN, Switzerland, 30.09 - 04.10.2024
  3. Toward event reconstruction in an active-target TPC with strip readout
    New Trends in Nuclear Physics Detectors (NTNPD-2021), Heavy Ion Laboratory at the University of Warsaw, Poland, 25 - 27.10.2021
  4. Study of astrophysics relevant nuclear reactions with an active-target Time Projection Chamber
    Euroschool on Exotic Beams 2021, 13 - 17.09.2021
  5. ELITPC - an active target TPC for studying nuclear reactions at astrophysical energies
    International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics TIPP2021, TRIUMF, Canada, 24 - 29.05.2021
  6. Toward studying photonuclear reactions with active-target TPC
    CPAD Instrumentation Frontier Workshop 2021, Stony Brook University, United States, 17 - 23.03.2021
  7. ELITPC detector for nuclear astrophysics studies
    Sympozjum Młodych Naukowców Wydziału Fizyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, University of Warsaw, Poland, 24 - 28.08.2020
  8. ELITPC detector for nuclear astrophysics studies: Detector Control System
    Pierwsza Wirtualna Konferencja Naukowa Kampusu Ochota, University of Warsaw, Poland, 30.06 - 1.07.2020


  • PhD in Physics, University of Warsaw, Poland, 2024
    Study of \(^{16}\text{O}\left(\gamma,\alpha\right)^{12}\text{C}\) nuclear reaction with the Warsaw TPC detector
  • MSc in Physics, University of Warsaw, Poland, 2019
    Detector Control System of the ELITPC chamber in experiments with gamma beams - the software framework
    Summa cum laude
  • BSc in Physics, University of Warsaw, Poland, 2017
    Study of \(\beta^{-}\) decay of the neutron-rich isotope \(^{133}\text{In}\)
    Individual study programme


  1. Investigating photodisintegration reactions with the Warsaw TPC
    Nuclear Physics Seminar, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, 15.06.2023
  2. ELITPC: the first experiments with the full-scale prototype of an active-target Time Projection Chamber
    High Energy Physics Seminar, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, 26.11.2021
  3. ELITPC: toward studying nuclear reactions at astrophysical energies
    High Energy Physics Seminar, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, 08.05.2020


  1. Hybrid Programming in HPC - MPI+X, HLRS, 21-23.01.2025
  2. 8th FCC Physics Workshop, CERN, 13-16.01.2025
  3. JuliaHEP 2024 Workshop, CERN, 30.09-04.10.2024
  4. ChapelCon '24, online, 05-07.06.2024
  5. Efficient Parallel Programming with GASPI, HLRS, online, 27-28.05.2024
  6. AMD Instinct™ GPU Training, HLRS, 25-28.09.2023
  7. Introduction to oneAPI, SYCL2020 and OpenMP offloading, HLRS, 13-15.09.2023
  8. EuroCC N-Ways to GPU Programming Bootcamp, online, 15-16.05.2023
  9. NVIDIA/HLRS SciML GPU Bootcamp, online, 26-27.04.2023
  10. Introduction to parallel programming: openMP GPU offload, ICM University of Warsaw, 15.12.2022
  11. 3rd Terascale School of Machine Learning (Part 2: advanced topics), DESY, 10 - 12.10.2022
  12. ISOTDAQ 2022 - International School of Trigger and Data AcQuisition, INFN, 13 - 23.06.2022
  13. Introduction to parallel programming in openMP/MPI, ICM University of Warsaw, 09.06.2022
  14. 10th Thematic CERN School of Computing (tCSC 2022), Institut d’Études Scientifiques de Cargèse (IESC), 01 - 07.05.2022
  15. Euroschool on Exotic Beams 2021, online, 13 - 17.09.2021
  16. International Summer School on Deep Learning 2021, Gdansk University of Technology, 05 - 09.07.2021
  17. RD51 Collaboration Meeting and the topical workshop on "New Horizons in TPCs", Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE), 05 - 09.10.2020
  18. 15th annual Fermilab-CERN Hadron Collider Physics Summer School, Fermilab, 10 - 21.08.2020
  19. Sixth Machine Learning in High Energy Physics Summer School 2020, online, 16 - 30.07.2020
  20. 3rd GOSIA Workshop, Heavy Ion Laboratory at the University of Warsaw, 09 - 11.04.2018
  21. Polish Workshop on Acceleration and Applications of Heavy Ions, Heavy Ion Laboratory at the University of Warsaw 23 - 29.10.2016